View, browse, and sort the ever-growing list of sessions by pass type, track, and format.
If you are seeing varied colors of session titles, here is your guide:
Cranberry = Catersource education sessions
Bright pink = TSE education sessions
Dark blue = those sessions or events that can be attended by anyone with a Catersource or TSE pass, or requires a separate ticket.
Find your best experience by first choosing the pass type you have purchased. This will weed out all other extraneous sessions.
Sessions do fill up and seating is first come, first served. Note: Individual presentations may also be on this website shortly before the published show dates. They may or may not be the final presentation.
Earn CMP credits!
ALL education sessions at this year's conference are approved by The Events Industry Council to count toward your CMP certification. Keep your professional status up-to-date while enjoying and learning from this incredible lineup of speakers.
Bobby Dutton (Owner, Keynote Speaker, Think Like a Pilot)
Location: Palm B
Date: Wednesday, February 26
Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Pass Type: All Access, Combined CS/TSE Conference Pass, TSE Conference Pass, TSE Premium Pass
Track: TSE-Leadership & Professional Development, TSE-Marketing
Associations and Accreditations: AEP-approved
Vault Recording: TBD
Audience Level: All
We are too busy. We're always stressed. We tell ourselves that if we just get through (insert imaginary milestone here), we'll be calm and happy. But inevitably more things pop up, and we find ourselves in an endless loop of stress, without ever reaching that elusive, happy balance. In this unique and compelling session, we'll uncover the truth of what it means to be successful and happy in both work and life, as well as what balance is really all about.